Curated under the theme of “Art of Sharing, Scandinavian Style” by OHDA (Open Heart Design Alliance) council chair Yanling Duan, the NORDIC & BEIJING DAY (25th September) will host a full-day program of sharing and conversations highlighting “Scandinavian know-how with China Relevance”. It is designed to invite Scandinavian cultural influencers and change-makers who are committed to participate in China’s sustainability - renaissance age. 

The Nordic & Beijing Day will also act as the opening event for Wholis Fest, an design festival catalyzing Open Heart Design Alliance's annual gathering event OHDA CAMP in the spirit of "Mindful design for sustainable living". Registered visitors are welcomed to join and program as experts share insights and community members exploring OHDA's mindful design movement with our Nordic guests of honor with local innovators and designers. 


分享嘉宾:Ditte Lysgaard Vind - 世界循环经济网络创始人,循环之道CEO


分享嘉宾:Magnus Ekholm - 环保与垃圾分类回收专家


分享嘉宾:程一恒 - 循环经济与生态创新专家与实践者


分享嘉宾:Johannes Torpe - 前B&O设计师,创意大师


分享嘉宾:Erika Halonen - Maria Io孵化器首席体验官


分享嘉宾:邓飞 免费午餐、e农计划发起人


分享嘉宾:Cecilie Elisabeth Rudolph - 食物设计师,纺织品设计师